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Aldabra Grey Rug

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From: $1,440.00$60/sq ft

Turtle and tortoise shells have been used as ornate elements in the creation of dishes and jewelry for thousands of years. Reaching the height of popularity in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, a vast assortment of personal accessories, such as hair adornments and eyewear, were crafted from turtle and tortoise shells. Inspired by the natural beauty of these shells, the Aldabra Collection features beautiful, handcrafted designs personally created by skilled artisans who work meticulously to ensure that the finished product has the luxurious quality and texture the discerning rug collector requires. These rugs are mad with only the finest wool and silk products available on the market. We offer a wide array of eye-catching patterns and colors that will work with virtually any décor.

Our rugs are normally available for delivery within 10 to 90 days. Contact Us or Request a Quote for timing on the rug and size of your choice.


Collection: ALDABRA
Color Family: GREYS
Country of Origin: NEPAL
Material: 100% NEW ZEALAND WOOL & SILK

Deposit : $12.50 Per item

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Our Supremely handmade rugs are tenderly crafted with great care. Please bear in mind when selecting your rug, that there may subtle pattern changes according to size; for example, the pattern of a smaller 3×5 rug may be subtly different than its larger 9×12 counterpart. However, this does not impact the beauty of your rug!


Supremely handmade rugs may have slight variations in size (up to 3”). The diameter of the hand-spun wool our weavers use will impact the size of knots. (i.e., if the diameter of the wool is thicker, the knot will be thicker, resulting in a larger rug). This is one of the unique ways a splendid, handwoven rug is set apart from manufactured rugs.


Vacuuming regularly is just one step in preserving the look and feel of your rug. Avoid the temptation to pull any loose threads! Instead, carefully trim them with a good pair of scissors. Be sure to treat any spills with a clean, white cloth. Another important step preventing uneven wear and discoloration is to rotate the rug every few months. This is a great way to prevent distortion from foot traffic and sun rays. Having your rugs cleaned professionally will ensure that all harmful bacteria and other harmful particles are eradicated.


Some of the most important elements to consider before purchasing a rug are the dimensions of the room as well as the existing furnishings. This is the only way to ensure that the shape, patterns, and positioning of a rug will work well within the space. This chart provides a better illustration of how some common rugs work in proportion to a standard sofa.

Questions about this rug? Speak directly with one of our product specialists.

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